
Q: What were one of the main themes of your story Marked?
A: There are many, but the main one is a teens desire to fit in and not wanting to be different.
Authors or the book Marked.
 First book in the House of Night series.

Q:How can you relate to that to a persons every day life?
A: It's like a new kid miving in from outside the city, with no friends, no one he or she knows, just that kid all by himself with no one. But this kid showing his talents and being accepted for his true self.

Q: Have you ever been in a situation where you have been the new student?
A: I don't recall so, I've always had friends at the school that i moved to because when I was younger, I never moved out of the city.

Q: Are there any other certain themes in the story?
A: Family conflit would be another theme in this story because at the beginning of the story, Zoey is having a lot of family problems with her new "step father". So she turns to her grand mother in her time of need.

Q: Did this theme in your story have an inspiration from your real life experiences?
A: Well, since I did get married a few times, Kristin has delt with a few new "fathers" and there was one imparticularly where they both did not seem to like each other at all.

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